Department's Profile

The department of Biotechnology and Enzyme Science consists of an interdisciplinary research team and focuses its research on the industrial use of enzyme technology and microbiology. Relevant product divisions are enzymes, proteins, peptides, amino acids, saccharides, oligosaccharides, unsaturated fatty acids, and emulsifying agents for use in the food industry.

The production of enzymes is examined and realized with the help of natural wild strains as well as recombinant food-grade microorganisms. In addition to sound theoretical knowledge and practical skills, the department possesses corresponding technical equipment in the areas of biochemistry, microbiology, molecular biology, bioreactor technology, and (bio)chemical analysis.

Research aimed at developing new or improving current enzymatic processes is conducted in close cooperation with industry. The department offers basic modules in biochemistry and biotechnology as well as advanced modules in enzyme technology, bioreactor technology, and the over-expression of proteins.


Im Studiengang „Lebensmittelwissenschaft und Biotechnologie" (BSc) bzw. im Masterstudiengang „Food Biotechnology" (MSc) lernt man bei uns etwas über ...

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Unsere Forschung

  • Funktionelle Lebensmittel (Relevante Ziel-Inhaltsstoffe)
  • Enzymtechnologie (Angewandte Biochemie)
  • Enzymproduktion (Bioreaktortechnik und Aufarbeitung)

Ausstattung & Technik

Die Biotechnologie verfügt über ca. 350 m² Fläche mit modernster Labor- und Technikumsausstattung. Erfahren Sie, welche Ausstattung unser Fachbereich bereitstellt.


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